Find Out Your Heart Care
Score In 3 Minutes and
Change Your Life

This test uses a four quadrant rating which are scientifically proven to prevent heart disease.
You can make easy, quick changes to bring heart health into balance and #LiveFromTheHeart
with a life of vitality and vibrance. As a complimentary gift, we’ll also deliver to you
our free-guide on ways to improve your score.
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My workout routine

During the day

My favorite fun time is

Sitting is

When I’m active, I feel like my heart rate is

I start my day with

My preferred “Diet” is

When it comes to drinking, I

For me, dessert is

I eat most of my meals

My friendships are

My significant other is

My career is

My community

Sexual intimacy to me is

I practice stress management

If “laughter is the best medicine,” I am

Hobbies and interests

My sleep habits are

“Me” time is