It’s Time to Talk About Hot Flashes

Hot flashes are a sudden feeling of heat throughout your body and sometimes a red flushed face. They can cause sweating and/or the chills and can even cause an increase in your heart rate.   What Causes Hot Flashes?  The actual cause of hot flashes is unknown, but they are generally associated with hormonal fluctuations caused… Continue reading It’s Time to Talk About Hot Flashes

5 Paradoxes of Effective Leadership

I’m having a blast leading the new mastermind series, “Intentioning: Transform Your Dreams to Reality with the Power of Intention” live online. I love the real-time interaction, yet busy women from all over the world can participate and have the flexibility to catch up asynchronously while being part of a supportive community of women. “We… Continue reading 5 Paradoxes of Effective Leadership

Sleepless in Menopause: How to Find Rest in the Midst of Change

Lack of sleep can have serious health consequences for women in menopause. There is evidence to suggest that lack of sleep may increase the risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease in women over 40. Studies have shown that poor sleep quality, as well as lack of sleep, may contribute to the development of these conditions.… Continue reading Sleepless in Menopause: How to Find Rest in the Midst of Change

A Little Yoga Can Go A Long Way for Mental and Physical Health

The body has an amazing intrinsic ability to maintain a healthy state and when necessary, heal itself. Society frequently overlooks this fact and too often reaches for a “quick fix” in the form of an injection, surgery, or pill.  As a physician, my training emphasized prescribing new pharmaceuticals for chronic illnesses rather than promoting lifestyle… Continue reading A Little Yoga Can Go A Long Way for Mental and Physical Health

The Link Between Prediabetes and Heart Attack Risk

A new study has found a strong association between prediabetes and an increased risk of heart attack in women. The study, which was conducted by researchers at the National Institutes of Health, followed over 10,000 women for an average of 14 years.  The findings, which were published in the Journal of the American Medical Association,… Continue reading The Link Between Prediabetes and Heart Attack Risk

HTN in Pregnancy More Than Doubles Risk of New HTN a Decade Later

A new study has found that women who had hypertension during pregnancy are more than twice as likely to develop new hypertension a decade later. The study, which was published in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, followed nearly 1,500 women for 10 years. The study’s findings are concerning, as hypertension is a major… Continue reading HTN in Pregnancy More Than Doubles Risk of New HTN a Decade Later

How Much Heart Disease and Stroke Deaths Rose in 2020

According to the American Heart Association (AHA), the death rate from cardiovascular disease (CVD) rose in 2020. The AHA’s “Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics-2021 Update” reveals that CVD death rates increased for both men and women. This is the first time death rates have risen for both sexes in four decades. The pandemic and cardiovascular… Continue reading How Much Heart Disease and Stroke Deaths Rose in 2020