
Coffee: Friend or Foe When it Comes to Heart Health

By Team Adesso | Posted Aug 6, 2024

Numerous studies have shown that coffee consumption can be beneficial to our overall health and well-being. In particular, recent research has linked coffee consumption to a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease and mortality in women. Let’s take a closer look at the impact of coffee on heart health.

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Coffee & CVD Risk Reduction


A recent meta-analysis published in the journal Clinical Nutrition evaluated the effects of coffee consumption on cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk. This analysis included 3,619,898 participants from 13 different prospective cohort studies. The results showed that those who consumed at least one cup of coffee per day had an eight percent reduction in their risk of developing cardiovascular disease compared to non-coffee drinkers. Furthermore, an increase in coffee consumption showed an even greater reduction in CVD risk – up to 23% percent.  


Coffee & Mortality Risk Reduction


In addition to reducing CVD risk, it appears that coffee may also reduce mortality risk among female coffee drinkers. A study published in Circulation Research examined the association between habitual caffeinated coffee consumption and total mortality over a period of 16 years among women aged 50-79 years old. Results found that women who drank one or more cups per day had a 15 percent lower total mortality rate compared to non-drinkers. Those who drank two or more cups had an even greater reduction – 18 percent.


What Does This Mean For Women?


These findings indicate that drinking one or two cups of caffeinated coffee each day may be beneficial for women’s heart health and longevity. However, it is important to keep in mind that this research is observational in nature and further research is needed before any definitive conclusions can be made regarding the potential health benefits of drinking caffeinated beverages such as coffee. Additionally, while adding a cup or two into your daily routine may help reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease and mortality, other lifestyle factors such as diet and physical activity are crucial for reducing your overall risk even further.