Francesca Bettoni

Francesca Bettoni is a full-time food photographer, content creator, and food blogger. She dispels the misconception that healthy, vegetable-based recipes are bland and unappetizing. Francesca creates flavorful vegan, vibrant, visually appealing, Mediterranean recipes.  

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Francesca Bettoni shares her passion for healthy natural foods, vibrant colors, and beautiful photography in her blog. 

In March 2015, Francesca established Beauty Food Blog. Colors and light are powerful tools — Francesca believes in the power of both, so she takes great care in making her vegan food photos colorful and beautifully plated. We should be happy when we eat, and her photos and blog reflect that philosophy. Her mission is to make eating healthy, plant-based cuisine pleasurable not just in presentation but also in taste. Francesca’s innovative thinking is the driving force behind Beauty Food Blog. In it she showcases the power of food, and how it can make us glow and sparkle from the inside out. 

Her flavorful and healthy recipes have been advertised on leaflets, websites, and apps for prominent companies. 

Francesca has worked as a food photographer, recipe developer, and video maker for companies like Liebherr, Comfort Zone, and Chenot Group. Additionally, she has worked hand-in-hand with restaurants to help create vegan and gluten-free menus. 

Life’s adventures have led her to reside all over Italy and New York City. She’s lived in Brescia, Genoa, Sardinia, Dolomites, London, Merano, and NYC. She is happily married to an executive chef who shares her food, health, and travel interests.

She is a therapist, fitness trainer, and aesthetician who has devoted her life to helping others improve their health and beauty. Because of Francesca’s own dietary needs, and her active choice to become vegan, she began cooking refined sugar-free, gluten-free, and vegan recipes for her friends. Francesca liked to take beautiful aesthetic photos of her food. When friends began asking about her recipes, she shared her healthy culinary journey online.