Regenerative Gardening: A Primer for the Home Gardener

Are you a home gardener looking for a regenerative gardening primer? Or are you wondering what regenerative gardening is, anyway? Honestly, I think you’ll be surprised by how much you already know. It’s just a matter of revisiting the basics of ecology, food webs, and the effects of human activity on the environment (for better… Continue reading Regenerative Gardening: A Primer for the Home Gardener

Support Biodiversity with No-Dig Regenerative Gardening

It’s possible to support biodiversity with no-dig, regenerative gardening. According to a 2019 United Nations report, 1 million plant and animal species are threatened with extinction in the coming decades — it’s an unprecedented number! However, a number of surveys have found that our home gardens, community plots, and cityscapes have the power to support biodiversity and at-risk… Continue reading Support Biodiversity with No-Dig Regenerative Gardening