The Role of Estrogen in Women’s Health with Dr Avrum Bluming

A passionate women’s health advocate, Melissa Ashley is the host of MenoChannel which features live online interviews with best-in-class health care professionals and experts who provide evidence-based facts about menopause and answer audience questions.     Melissa recently had the opportunity to interview Dr. Avrum Bluming about the role of estrogen in women’s health.  Dr. Bluming… Continue reading The Role of Estrogen in Women’s Health with Dr Avrum Bluming

The Cancer No One Talks About

It began with three words: “heterogeneously dense breasts.” It was just a note in the findings of the report on my regular mammogram that said, basically, everything looks fine, except that we can’t see everything because you have dense breasts, “which may obscure small masses.” It said my lifetime chance of breast cancer was 8.12%,… Continue reading The Cancer No One Talks About