Seek Launches First At-Home Test for Alcohol’s Effects on Women’s Health

Healthtech startup Seek has launched the first at-home lab test specifically designed to measure the impact of alcohol on women’s health. Founder Katie Garry’s inspiration for Seek stemmed from personal experiences. Recognizing the lack of resources for women who want to continue drinking while taking care of their health, Seek aims to fill this void by offering… Continue reading Seek Launches First At-Home Test for Alcohol’s Effects on Women’s Health

The Cancer No One Talks About

It began with three words: “heterogeneously dense breasts.” It was just a note in the findings of the report on my regular mammogram that said, basically, everything looks fine, except that we can’t see everything because you have dense breasts, “which may obscure small masses.” It said my lifetime chance of breast cancer was 8.12%,… Continue reading The Cancer No One Talks About