
“Om”…Is that what you think about when you think about meditation? Do you picture someone saying a sound aloud with their legs in a crisscross? That is what we often picture when we think of this idea of having some sort of meditative practice. What we should think about instead is what meditation can do… Continue reading Meditation 

Growing out with Vitality and Grace 

Staying young. Staying vital. Staying healthy. I have never heard anyone ever say that growing old was easy or that while growing old, they wanted to feel, well…. older. Growing old is a blessing. It means we are aging, as we should, but how we get there is another story. Do we want to age… Continue reading Growing out with Vitality and Grace 

How We Sustain Ourselves

Close your eyes. Think of your favorite food. Is it sweet? Is it savory? Is it salty? More importantly, is it good for you? Most often, we crave things that are not the best for us. In fact, we tend to crave things that are bad for us! People who have trouble metabolizing sugars crave… Continue reading How We Sustain Ourselves

Does Drinking Coffee Really Improve Your Heart Health?

A new study has found that those who drink moderate amounts of coffee have a lower mortality risk than non-coffee drinkers. But what does this mean for your health? Let’s take a closer look at the findings. The years long study screened participants for coffee consumption and health problems. The study, published in the journal… Continue reading Does Drinking Coffee Really Improve Your Heart Health?

Generalizability of Cardiovascular Disease Clinical Prediction Models

A new study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) finds that cardiovascular disease clinical prediction models show promise for improving risk prediction, but more work is needed to increase their generalizability. The study, “Generalizability of Cardiovascular Disease Clinical Prediction Models: 158 Independent External Validations of 104 Unique Models,” included 158 external… Continue reading Generalizability of Cardiovascular Disease Clinical Prediction Models

A More Effective Way to Evaluate Chest Pain in Women

According to a new study, a more personalized approach to evaluating chest pain in women may be more effective and eliminate the need for unnecessary testing. The study was recently published in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine. The results found that using a risk calculator that takes into account a woman’s age, symptoms, and risk… Continue reading A More Effective Way to Evaluate Chest Pain in Women

Intermittent Fasting: What We Know So Far

Over the past few years, intermittent fasting has become increasingly popular as a weight-loss strategy. But what is intermittent fasting? How does it work? Is it effective? And most importantly, is it safe? Let’s take a closer look at what we know about intermittent fasting. How Does Intermittent Fasting Work? Intermittent fasting is an umbrella… Continue reading Intermittent Fasting: What We Know So Far