Intimate Relationships Can Lower or Raise Coronary Heart Disease Risk in Women

Our hearts go aflutter when we meet that special, or who we think is special, someone. As Dean Martin crooned, “when the world seems to shine like you’ve had too much wine, that’s amore.” A positive intimate relationship, or amore, could lower a woman’s risk of coronary heart disease (CHD). But, on the flipside, as… Continue reading Intimate Relationships Can Lower or Raise Coronary Heart Disease Risk in Women

Boost Heart Health Naturally with Bergamot


Are you looking for natural ways to boost your heart health? At Adesso, we are too, and Bergamot may be a secret, natural way to boost your heart health.    Let’s face it, as women, when we hit our 40s and 50s, our risk for cardiovascular disease goes up. High cholesterol is an unfortunately common… Continue reading Boost Heart Health Naturally with Bergamot

Your Doctor Retired — Now What?

When Janet Reynolds’ primary care provider — a nurse practitioner who she’d been with for 30 years — left her private practice, Reynolds had no idea how challenging it was going to be to find a replacement. “I called 20 doctors before getting through to someone who was actually taking new patients,” says Reynolds, a… Continue reading Your Doctor Retired — Now What?

Healthy Can Be Delicious: Here’s A Creamy Soup Recipe You’ll Love

Chef Emanuele Giorgione loves making dishes that are beautiful to look at and even better to taste! As a wellness cooking teacher, Chef is passionate about teaching others the importance of a healthy and plant-based cooking style.  Here Chef Emanuele shares his recipe for the perfect creamy soup that’s every bit as refreshing as it… Continue reading Healthy Can Be Delicious: Here’s A Creamy Soup Recipe You’ll Love

Strength Training for Heart Health, Bone Health, and Menopause

Strength training can improve heart, bone, and general health, especially for women after menopause. Disclaimer: If you have any medical questions or concerns, please contact your healthcare provider. This article contains information from peer-reviewed research, medical societies, and governmental agencies; however, this article is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. For… Continue reading Strength Training for Heart Health, Bone Health, and Menopause

15 Heart-Healthy Foods for Women

Eating healthy is essential for all women, but it’s especially important for those who are concerned with heart health. Incorporating certain foods into your diet can help reduce your risk of developing heart disease.  Here are 15 incredible heart-healthy foods that every woman should consider adding to her diet. Berries – Berries of all kinds,… Continue reading 15 Heart-Healthy Foods for Women

A Heart to Heart on Health and Why Health Equity is So Vital

A cause near and dear to my heart (pun intended), as anyone who knows me can attest, has been advocating for increased attention toward women’s heart health, and more specifically, health equity. Now, I’m not a doctor. I’m an entrepreneur, feminist, and soon-to-be first-time author! But when I see a problem needing fixing, I get… Continue reading A Heart to Heart on Health and Why Health Equity is So Vital